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Debris falls on high-rise building in Kyiv: three dead already

Saturday, 24 June 2023, 11:11
Debris falls on high-rise building in Kyiv: three dead already

A search and rescue operation continues at the site where the wreckage of a downed Russian air target fell on a high-rise building in Kyiv: the death toll has increased to three.

Source: Kyiv Mayor Vitalii Klitschko on social media, Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office

Quote: "We now know that three people have been killed. Two victims were hospitalised. 9 people received medical assistance on the spot."


All residents of the building, which was hit by the wreckage of a Russian rocket, were evacuated.

Details: Klitschko said that there are many damaged cars in the yard. The perimeter of the yard is blocked. All services are working at the scene.


The mayor notes that there may be people under the rubble on the damaged floors of the building on Solomianka Street. Rescuer workers continue the search and rescue operation.

Law enforcement officers have launched a pre-trial investigation into violations of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder.

Three floors of an apartment building in the Solomianskyi District of the capital were damaged as a result of the air attack. There was partial destruction of the building’s structures.

According to the prosecutor's office, three civilians were killed, and 11 others were injured.

Information about fatalities and casualties is being updated.

The blast wave damaged about 40 civilian vehicles.

What preceded it: Wreckage from a Russian air target shot down overnight on 24 June damaged a 25-storey building in the Solomianskyi District of Kyiv.

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