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Wagner mercenaries leave Russia's Lipetsk and Voronezh oblasts, 19 houses damaged

Sunday, 25 June 2023, 17:10
Wagner mercenaries leave Russia's Lipetsk and Voronezh oblasts, 19 houses damaged

Nineteen houses were damaged in Voronezh Oblast in the shooting between the Russian military and the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) on 24 June. The Wagner PMC left Lipetsk and Voronezh oblasts on 25 June.

Source: Russian Interfax

Quote from Maksim Yantsov, Head of Pavlovsky district, Voronezh Oblast: "Nineteen houses in the village were damaged as a result of the shooting that took place near Elizavetovka, Pavlovsky District, on 24 June, when the Wagner PMC convoy was passing through our district. There is no threat to the integrity of houses or outbuildings."


Details: Alexander Gusev, Governor of Russia’s Voronezh Oblast, said on 25 June that the restrictions introduced in the oblast the day before will be cancelled after the Wagner Group units leave the oblast in their entirety.

According to him, the movement of Wagner units through the oblast "takes place in regular order and without any violations".

Later, the government of Voronezh Oblast announced the cancellation of all traffic restrictions on the M-4 Don road, which was introduced earlier. On 24 June, traffic on the M-4 Don highway in the oblast was limited on the section from the 464th to the 777th km.

Before that, on Sunday, it became known that the Wagner Group had left Lipetsk Oblast.

"Units of the Wagner PMC, which stopped in Lipetsk Oblast the day before, left the territory of the region," the oblast government said.

At the same time, traffic was restored on all the bridges in Moscow Oblast that  were closed the day before, in particular on the M-2 and M-4 roads.


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