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Russian health minister urges women to have children instead of pursuing careers

Tuesday, 18 July 2023, 21:23

Russia’s Health Minister, Mikhail Murashko, has declared that the problem with women in Russia is that they get an education before having children.

Source: The Insider, citing Murashko during a plenary session of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Details: Murashko urged women to have children as early as possible rather than studying or forging a career.


"I’ve come to the conclusion that women study first, then build their careers, and only then think about having children. This causes a lot of problems. Women need to understand that the sooner they have children the better," Murashko explained.

Mikhail Murashko
Photo: The Insider

The Russian health minister said he believes that putting off having children is a "sinful practice" and claimed that it leads to miscarriages and infertility.

Murashko thinks women should be told that the earlier they have children, "the better it will be for their health, their careers, and the health of their children".


He added that girls should be taught the basics of having children and childbirth at school.

Previously: Ukrainska Pravda reported earlier that the Russian State Duma had introduced a draft law banning gender reassignment surgery. The law was approved at the third reading.

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