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Moldova modernises railway infrastructure for Ukrainian grain export

Friday, 18 August 2023, 16:09
Moldova modernises railway infrastructure for Ukrainian grain export
photo: IPN.MD

Moldova has started active cooperation with Ukraine, Romania and donor organisations to modernise its railway infrastructure to help Ukraine increase exports of agricultural products.

Source: Nicolae Popescu, Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova; Interfax-Ukraine

Quote: "We have seen that exports and imports from and to Ukraine are accelerating since the first day of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. We see that Ukraine is making huge efforts on the battlefield. But it is also important for Ukraine to maintain its economic life and export potential," Popescu said.

He stressed that Moldova knows the importance of Ukraine's grain exports.

Quote: "Ukraine, Moldova, the European Union, the Middle East and African countries should not depend only on the Black Sea export channel. We must ensure that there is a strong and developing infrastructure that allows us to ensure Ukraine's economic interests in the next 10-20 years, especially regarding the food market," Nicolae Popescu stressed.

Details: The minister acknowledged that Moldova's infrastructure is "not so well developed". Popescu recalled that the government of the country and the management of the Moldovan Railways are working closely with Ukrzaliznytsia [Ukrainian Railways - ed.] to modernise the Moldovan railway system.

In the next 10-20 years, efforts will be focused on developing railway infrastructure and tracks.

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