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Ukraine's Foreign Ministry is aware of forces driving UN Secretary General to lift sanctions on Russia

Monday, 11 September 2023, 20:44

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has been informed of forces demanding to lift the main sanctions against Russia in exchange for restoring the grain deal.

Source: Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister, at a joint briefing with his German counterpart Annalena Baerbock in Kyiv, reports European Pravda

Details: Kuleba was asked whether Ukraine was aware of the UN Secretary General's alleged proposals to lift some Western sanctions on Moscow in exchange for Russia's return to the Black Sea Grain Initiative, and how Kyiv felt about this possibility.


The Foreign Minister noted that he was aware of "some forces that support giving in to Russia in this demand."

Quote: "I said that if someone has a desire to allow the family of [Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai] Patrushev (....) who despises, hates the West and wants to destroy it, to earn a couple of hundred million dollars with the Russian Agricultural Bank, they can reconnect it to SWIFT. How these people would keep any self-respect after that is hard for me to imagine," he stressed.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called the arguments about some sanctions concessions to Russia for its return to the grain agreement "illogical and unacceptable", as it would be a new source of blackmail for Moscow.


"The question of cancelling sanctions cannot stand in principle. Because if something is cancelled now, then tomorrow Russia will bomb another port and begin to blackmail the world with new requirements," Dmytro Kuleba emphasised.

Background: Earlier, Bild obtained a secret letter from UN Secretary-General António Guterres to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, which suggests that the UN is currently conducting secret negotiations with the Russian Federation to reach a deal in which the key sanctions imposed after the beginning of its large-scale invasion of Ukraine will be lifted from Vladimir Putin’s terrorist regime in exchange for reviving the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

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