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Ukraine's Deputy PM for European Integration explains why extension of restrictions on grain imports is unfair

Tuesday, 12 September 2023, 22:00

Kyiv sees no objective reasons to extend restrictions on imports of Ukrainian agricultural products to the EU and is not ready to accept Poland's unilateral ban, which contravenes EU rules.

Source: Olha Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration, in an interview with Onet, a Polish news outlet, reported by European Pravda

Details: Stefanishyna pointed out that since June, a special coordination platform has been operating between Ukraine and the EU on the functioning of the so-called "solidarity routes" for the export of Ukrainian products through the EU, and that its work includes monitoring and exchange of statistical data.


Quote: "First, the statistics provided by Ukraine and five EU countries clearly show that our agricultural products do not pose a threat to the EU internal market. Therefore, we must understand that the temporary restrictions have a political aspect."

"Our logic in this matter is simple. We want to become a member of the EU. Within the next two years, we will implement more than 3,000 European standards and requirements. We will change our legislation in line with EU legislation. Therefore, we do not consider it acceptable to violate the fundamental principles of the EU, in particular those related to trade and the functioning of the internal market. And we do not accept threats in this regard."

Details: Olha Stefanishyna added that the government has held consultations with farmers and they are convinced that Ukraine's neighbours in the EU are not a priority market for exports.

Quote: "Our farmers are counting on the development and increase of transit capacities through the territory of neighbouring EU member states, as the main consumers of our products are located much further away."

More details: Stefanishyna added that the relations between Ukraine and Poland are not limited to trade, so it is inappropriate to equate problems in trade with problems in the bilateral relationship as a whole.

Quote: "We have a strategic partnership and it does not depend on the names of specific politicians. But we cannot turn citizens, including farmers in a country at war, into hostages of the political process."


  • On 15 September, the EU's temporary ban on imports of certain agricultural products from Ukraine is due to expire.
  • On Tuesday, the Polish government adopted a resolution declaring its intention to extend the ban at the national level if it is not extended at the EU level.
  • Ukraine insists that a unilateral extension of the ban would violate the rules of the common market and the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.
  • Ukrainian PM Denys Shmyhal announced that he would appeal to the WTO arbitration in case Poland blocks Ukrainian grain exports.

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