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Polish minister comments on grain negotiations with Ukraine

Thursday, 21 September 2023, 17:39

Robert Telus, Polish Minister of Agriculture, has commented on the negotiations with Mykola Solskyi, his Ukrainian counterpart, regarding the import of agricultural products. 

Source: Telus said this in a comment to PAP, European Pravda reports. 

Details: In particular, the Polish minister noted that he told Solskyi that Ukraine's appeal to the WTO "harms our relations".


"We are always ready to talk, but the interest of the Polish farmer is our first priority," he said. 

Telus also added that he was "glad that Ukraine finally spoke to us, and not to Germany or the EU over our heads."

Earlier, the Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported that Poland promised to study the Ukrainian plan to export agricultural products.


Background: Ukraine offered the European Commission and Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania an export control plan for four groups of crops – wheat, corn, sunflower and rapeseed – to protect their domestic markets against the backdrop of the grain crisis. 

Despite this, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary announced unilateral restrictions on Ukrainian imports, prompting Ukraine to file a complaint against these three countries at the World Trade Organisation.

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