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UK Intelligence explains what latest attacks have changed for Russia's Black Sea Fleet

Tuesday, 26 September 2023, 09:53

The Russian Black Sea Fleet will likely not be able to have the same control in the Black Sea waters as before, and will also feel less safe in its ports, after the latest series of successful Ukrainian strikes. 

Source: UK Ministry of Defence intelligence review on 26 September, as reported by European Pravda.

UK Defence Intelligence stated that in recent weeks, the Russian Black Sea Fleet (BSF) has suffered several serious attacks, culminating in the attacks on its headquarters on 20 and 22 September.


Quote: "The physical damage to the BSF is almost certainly severe but localised. The fleet almost certainly remains capable of fulfilling its core wartime missions of cruise missile strikes and local security patrols.

It is, however, likely that its ability to continue wider regional security patrols and enforce its de facto blockade of Ukrainian ports will be diminished. It also likely has a degraded ability to defend its assets in port and to conduct routine maintenance," the analysts say.

UK Defence Intelligence adds that the Ukrainian attacks put Russia in a situation where it has to respond to Ukraine’s actions, demonstrating that the Ukrainian military can question Russia's symbolic and strategic "power projection" through its control over Sevastopol.


Background: In one of the previous reviews, UK Defence Intelligence said that Russian local counterattacks on the front are often unsuccessful.

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