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Russians open centres to train teenagers for combat in occupied Luhansk Oblast – Military Administration

Friday, 20 October 2023, 11:54

The Russians are opening centres that will train teenagers for frontline service in occupied Luhansk Oblast and other occupied regions, Ukrainian authorities say.

Source: Luhansk Oblast Military Administration

Initially, the occupiers plan to recruit about 4,000 boys aged between 14 and 17. The teenagers will be trained in those particular military specialisms where the Russians lack personnel.


"Educational facilities will be assigned specialisms so that the training is organised appropriately," Luhansk Oblast Military Administration reports.

The occupiers are also monitoring children’s online activity and ordering teachers to drag them into propagandist movements.

"The Russians are strengthening their control over young people. Teachers in schools have been told to monitor children’s information activity and involve them in propagandistic movements.

Teachers must denounce students if they post anything that they deem ‘illegal’ on the internet," the military administration adds.

Background: Ukraine’s National Resistance Center previously reported that the Russians are "re-educating" teenagers from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in military camps.

The occupiers in Crimea plan to involve one in ten schoolchildren in the Young Army Cadets National Movement. The Russians have also decided to strengthen cooperation between schools and military enlistment offices in Crimea.

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