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Ukraine plans to participate in Paralympics, even if Russians and Belarusians will be there

Tuesday, 24 October 2023, 21:53
Ukraine plans to participate in Paralympics, even if Russians and Belarusians will be there
Stock photo: Zaborona

Ukraine is determined to participate in the 2024 Paralympic Games and not to boycott the competition, even if Russian and Belarusian athletes will be present there in a neutral status.

Source: Suspilne, citing Valerii Sushkevych, President of the National Committee of Sports for Disabled People of Ukraine (National Paralympic Committee of Ukraine), at a press conference on the influence of Russia on the international Paralympic movement.

Quote from Sushkevych: "We are determined to participate in the Paralympics in Paris.


... We will do everything for the sake of the Ukrainian athlete who is fighting to make their victory a part of the victory over the war, and for them [Russians and Belarusians – ed.] not to participate in the Paralympics.

I don't want any opinion about not allowing the Ukrainian athlete to participate. When they were faced with bombings and a lack of funds, when they lived under occupation, stood in front of the 'orks' [the Russians – ed.] who searched them, were on the verge of death, when their family and friends died – and they are ready to win in the name of Ukraine; we must do everything needed so that this athlete [can compete – ed.]".

Details: At the same time, Sushkevych emphasised that Ukraine should focus all efforts on ensuring that the entire civilised Paralympic world does not allow the so-called neutrality procedure, which would "allow murderers, rapists and those who support murder and violence" to participate in the Paralympics in Paris.

Updated: Sushkevych stated in the commentary for Ukrainska Pravda that Ukraine had initiated the convocation of the extraordinary General Assembly of the European Paralympic Committee.

Quote: "We turned to the European Paralympic Committee with a demand to hold an extraordinary European General Assembly of the European Paralympic Committee with a question about non-admission of Russia and Belarus to participation in the Paralympics in Paris in any status."

Details: Sushkevych added that the Supreme Council appointed the date of the General Assembly to early 2024 in Latvia.


  • Russian and Belarusian athletes were excluded from the 2022 Paralympic Games in Beijing due to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The International Paralympic Committee approved the full suspension.
  • However, on 29 September, the International Paralympic Committee announced that it had admitted Russians and Belarusians to the 2024 Paralympic Games in a neutral status.
  • The Suspilne publication emphasises that currently, the Paralympic team of Ukraine has 61 licences in 9 sports (cycling, academic rowing, athletics, swimming, bocce, shot put, archery, para-canoeing and table tennis) out of the 17 in which it plans to participate in the Paralympics-2024.

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