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2 rescue workers killed in Zaporizhzhia Oblast on 15 November

Saturday, 18 November 2023, 17:13
2 rescue workers killed in Zaporizhzhia Oblast on 15 November
Photo: National Police

The information about the deaths of two State Emergency Service workers as a result of a Russian attack on the Komyshuvakha locality in Zaporizhzhia Oblast turned out to be outdated.

The information about the deaths of two State Emergency Service workers as a result of a Russian attack on the Komyshuvakha locality in Zaporizhzhia Oblast turned out to be outdated.

Source: Ukraine’s National Police on Telegram


Details: On Saturday, 18 November, Ukraine’s National Police mistakenly shared information about the deaths of two State Emergency Service workers, and the injuries sustained by another three SES workers, as a result of a Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

The original post was later deleted from the National Police’s Telegram channel.

The incident the post referred to in fact occurred on 15 November when Russian forces carried out three missile strikes on civilian infrastructure facilities in the Zaporizhzhia district of Zaporizhzhia Oblast. The attack killed two SES workers and left seven people injured.


On 18 November, the National Police reported that it had obtained evidence that Russian Shahed drones struck the Zaporizhzhia district on 17 November.

"On 17 November, the occupier state’s army deployed eight Shahed drones on [the city of Zaporizhzhia]. Air defence shot down four drones, while another four hit civilian and residential infrastructure facilities. Russian forces also deployed aircraft, MLRS, UAVs and artillery to attack settlements in the Vasylivka and Polohy districts [in Zaporizhzhia Oblast]. There were no casualties [on 17 November]," the National Police said.

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