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Finland has no plans to hold border situation talks with Russia

Saturday, 25 November 2023, 14:09
Finland has no plans to hold border situation talks with Russia
Petteri Orpo. Stock photo: Petteri Orpo

Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo has stated that his government has no intention of negotiating with Russia over the situation at the border after Helsinki closed checkpoints in response to the growing migration pressure and Russian border guards' involvement.

Source: Orpo in an interview with Helsingin Sanomat, as reported by European Pravda

Details: The official said Finland is also unwilling to facilitate such talks, and this situation will not change until Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine stops.


"We are willing to talk at the diplomatic level. There have been no political discussions with Russia since the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine," Orpo said.

Back in 2016, a situation similar to the current one on Finland's eastern border came to a resolution through negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Background: Earlier, the Finnish government decided to close seven of the eight border crossing points with Russia in response to the growing migration pressure and the involvement of Russian border guards.


Last Thursday, Finland decided to close the Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala border crossings due to a surge in illegal migration. They have been closed to traffic since Saturday.

Finnish border guards have reported that an exceptionally large number of people with no entry documents have been trying to enter Finland through the checkpoints on the southeastern border in recent months.

Earlier this month, Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo made it clear that the government may close the remaining checkpoints still operating on the border with Russia because Moscow exploited illegal migrants as a weapon.

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