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Most ministers agrees it's not time to weaken support for Ukraine – EU High Representative

Monday, 11 December 2023, 21:07
Most ministers agrees it's not time to weaken support for Ukraine – EU High Representative
Josep Borrell. Stock photo: Getty Images

The overwhelming majority of foreign ministers at the EU Council meeting agreed that now is not the time to weaken support for Ukraine and, on the contrary, it should be increased.

Source: Josep Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, at a press conference after the meeting, reported by European Pravda

Details: Borrell pointed out that the previous night, the Russian Federation fired ballistic missiles at Kyiv for the first time in a long time. He said that Ukraine continues to need EU support.


Quote: "We have already launched a dialogue and expert consultations with Ukraine on future security commitments. We have to provide operational and military support, yes. But we have to also work on predictable long-term funding. 

And today at the meeting, an overwhelming majority of ministers were very clear: this is not the moment to weaken our support for Ukraine. On the contrary, this is the moment to increase and speed it up."

More details: Borrell stated that to do this, the EU needs to remain united and strengthen the defence industry, and help Ukraine strengthen its own defence industry.


He also noted that the meeting failed to agree on the last tranche of €500 million from the European Peace Facility, which has been blocked by Hungary for months.

Quote: "We need to agree on the eighth European Peace Facility package, which is still pending. And we need to get a new European Peace Facility top-up of €5 billion.

I expect the leaders of the European Union to give guidance on these important decisions later this week."

More details: Borrell said that he had informed the ministers about finalising proposals of using revenues of frozen Russian assets. 


  • A few days before the EU summit, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on all Western allies to make a clear commitment to long-term assistance to Ukraine in its defence against Russia.
  • Prior to that, Olaf Scholz said that the country should be prepared to increase support for Ukraine as others weakened their support.

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