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Zelenskyy congratulates newly elected Polish PM Tusk

Monday, 11 December 2023, 21:40
Zelenskyy congratulates newly elected Polish PM Tusk
Donald Tusk. Stock photo: Getty Images

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has congratulated Donald Tusk on his election as Prime Minister of Poland in the Sejm.

Source: Zelenskyy on Twitter (X) in Ukrainian, Polish and English, reported by European Pravda

Details: Zelenskyy emphasised that the future of Ukraine and Poland lies in "unity, mutual assistance, and strategic partnership in order to defeat our common enemy."


Quote: "When we stand together, both our nations’ freedom is unbeatable."

"We appreciate Poland's support. Together, we enhance each other and the entire Europe. I am certain that Ukraine and Poland will remain committed to the cause of defending global freedom."

Background: On Monday, the Polish Sejm voted in favour of the Civic Coalition leader Donald Tusk's candidacy for prime minister, as was anticipated. Before that, MPs did not express confidence in the minority government of Mateusz Morawiecki.


Tusk's government is expected to become fully operational on 13 December at the earliest, after he takes the oath of office before the Polish president.

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