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Zelenskyy observes training of mobile fire groups to destroy drones in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast – photo

Monday, 5 February 2024, 12:34
Zelenskyy observes training of mobile fire groups to destroy drones in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast – photo
Photo: Office of the president of Ukraine

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited a training centre where mobile fire groups are trained during a work trip to Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Source: Office of the President

Details: Zelenskyy was reportedly briefed on the state of manning of mobile fire groups. He was also shown the living and workplace conditions of the military, the process of training soldiers to use the Fagot and Igla man-portable air defence systems, which involves multimedia simulators, as well as demonstration of live-fire exercises by the personnel.

 photo: Office of the president of Ukraine

Zelenskyy also presented state awards to servicemen of the Skhid (East) Regional Directorate of the Territorial Defence Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Operational Command Skhid (East) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

 photo: Office of the president of Ukraine

"I want to thank you for destroying enemy air targets, for defending our state, our families, and Ukraine. I wish you good health and only victory. Only forward! Glory to Ukraine!" the President said.

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