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Civilian trapped under rubble as Russian attack destroys three-storey hotel in Kharkiv Oblast

Tuesday, 6 February 2024, 03:08
Civilian trapped under rubble as Russian attack destroys three-storey hotel in Kharkiv Oblast
Stock photo: Syniehubov on Telegram

The Russians attacked the village of Zolochiv in the Bohodukhiv district (Kharkiv Oblast) on the night of 5-6 February.

Source: Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast State Administration, on Telegram

Details: Syniehubov said a three-storey hotel had been ruined.


Early reports indicate that a civilian has been trapped under the rubble.

Three people were rescued: two women and a man.

Syniehubov added that the facade of a shop is on fire.

Measures are underway to deal with the aftermath of the attack.

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