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France joins Poland in requesting restrictions on import of Ukrainian agricultural products

Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 15:48
France joins Poland in requesting restrictions on import of Ukrainian agricultural products
Photo: Getty Images

France has joined Poland in its demand of additional restrictions on import of Ukrainian agricultural products which endangers the negotiations concerning the extension of tax-free access to the EU market for Ukraine for one more year.

Source: Politico with reference to three European officials

Details: French President Emmanuel Macron and Polish PM Donald Tusk met on 15 March at the Weimar Triangle meeting in Berlin where they urged the public to support Ukraine in its resistance against Russia’s full-scale war of aggression.


The leaders signed an agreement to bring the positions of Paris and Warsaw closer to one another ahead of the negotiations aimed at settling disagreements which arose between the EU countries and the European Parliament concerning the trade with Ukraine.

Two officials quoted by Politico refer to the estimates showing that this change would cost Ukraine €1.2 billion of trade income.

"That’s a massive cut to a country that needs all the help it can get. The member states that are making the biggest show of their support to Ukraine are also the ones doing the most damage to the country," one of the officials stated.

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