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Civilian company, secondary school and houses damaged in Russian strikes on Nikopol district – photo

Thursday, 2 May 2024, 19:32
Civilian company, secondary school and houses damaged in Russian strikes on Nikopol district – photo
Aftermath of Russian attacks on Nikopol district. Photo: Serhii Lysak on Telegram

Russian forces bombarded Nikopol district (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast) with kamikaze drones and heavy artillery on 2 May.

Source: Serhii Lysak, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote: "Nikopol, Marhanets, Myrove, and Pokrovske hromadas came under enemy strikes. [A hromada is an administrative unit designating a village, several villages, or a town and their adjacent territories – ed.].


Three high-rise buildings, the same number of private houses and an outbuilding have been damaged. A secondary school and a company have been affected."

Details: In addition, four lorries and a scooter were damaged. A car caught fire, which emergency workers put out. A power line was also damaged.

Aftermath of Russian attacks on Nikopol district
Photo: Serhii Lysak on Telegram
Aftermath of Russian attacks on Nikopol district
Photo: Serhii Lysak on Telegram

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