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We will avenge every killed or maimed soldier – Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces

Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief shares the first video of the M270 MLRS at work on the front

Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi: we have stabilised the situation – HIMARS have helped

Zaluzhnyi confirmed reliable defence of Kyiv: battles near the capital are impossible

Zaluzhnyi on the supply of Western weapons: We will not allow them to fall into the hands of terrorists

Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces meets British counterpart to discuss future operations

Zelenskyy orders the cancellation of permits allowing movement for conscripts

Those liable for military service require a permit to leave their place of residence – Valerii Zaluzhnyi

Russia drops phosphorous bombs on Zmiinyi (Snake) Island following its "gesture of good will"

Zaluzhnyi talks to Milley about the liberation of Ukrainian lands from the occupiers

Zaluzhnyi posts video of Polish "Krab howitzers" at work

Zaluzhnyi thanked Poland for Krab howitzers: They are successfully operating at the front line

Zaluzhnyi showed HIMARS systems in action

Every metre of occupied land is soaked with the occupiers’ blood - Ukrainian commander-in-chief

Russian occupiers spread fake news about Ukraine’s military and political leaders in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Sievierodonetsk is a key point; Russian forces attack on 9 fronts in Luhansk Oblast: Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of Ukraine

Zelenskyy follows up on reports of shortage and instructs Zaluzhnyi to check supply of military protective equipment to fighters

Reznikov hopes that Ramstein 3 will solve the problem of heavy weapons

Russian troops concentrating efforts in north of Luhansk Region - Commander-in-Chief

Zaluzhnyi: It is very difficult for us, but we are standing. And we need weapons

Zaluzhnyi showed American Howitzers Artillery "at work"

Ukraine goes on counter-offensive on two fronts - Zaluzhnyi

Good morning: Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy two Russian boats near Zmiinyi (Snake) Island