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Ministry of Defence of Belarus gives reason for explosions at Zyabrovka military airfield

Russian Defence Ministry comments on the explosions in Crimea: No deliberate strike

Ukrainian troops shoot down Russian drone in Mykolaiv Oblast

Ukrainian aircraft destroy Russian ammunition depots and strongholds and kill dozens of Russian soldiers

"Finished now": Ukrainian airborne brigade brings down Russian attack aircraft with the Igla MANPADS

It was his hundredth flight: Zelenskyy honours a fallen pilot as a hero

A pilot awarded ‘Hero of Ukraine’ has died in the war 

Russian aggressors shoot down own attack helicopter in Kherson Oblast – General Staff

Ukrainian attack aircraft hit a concentration of Russian troops in Kherson Oblast

Security Service announces the "demilitarisation" of two Russian aircraft in the south of Ukraine

Ukrainian pilots to be trained to fly fighter jets in US – Head of President’s Office

Over 70% of Russian unguided shells and aircraft missiles fail to hit targets – General Staff

Belarus closes sky near Ukraine until October – media

Another "goodwill gesture": Russians lose an Alligator near Zmiinyi (Snake) Island

The media receive copies of intercepted conversations between the Russian pilots who launched missiles on Ukraine on 25 June

Paratroopers in Mykolaiv shoot down Russian Alligator helicopter

Ukrainian defenders destroy one Russian Su-25 attack aircraft, 8 armoured combat vehicles and an ammunition depot

Donetsk region: Ukrainian aircraft strike Russian positions

Ukrainian soldiers shoot down Russian Ka-52 helicopter near Izium

Kharkiv region: Russians fired four missiles at a civilian airfield

Ukrainian fighter jets shoot down two Russian targets

Ukrainian paratroopers down Ka-52 helicopter over Kharkiv region using Piorun

A Ukrainian fighter shot down a Russian aircraft over the Kherson region

Ukrainian fighter shoots down Russian cruise missile over Bukovyna

Ukrainian Ministry of Defence: Russian bombers looking for Ukrinian air defence positions

Russian media: retired Russian major general killed in skies over Ukraine

Ukraine asks NATO countries to train Armed Forces of Ukraine pilots to fly Western aircraft

Legendary pilot dies in Ukrainian skies

Putin did not want to display his aircraft at the parade

Video demonstrates precise operation of Ukrainian aviation against invaders on Snake Island