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Putin wants to wait out the counteroffensive and "has plans"

Russians blow up hydraulic structures on areas of Ukraine's counterattack

Man detained in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast for leaking information about Ukrainian units to FSB ahead of counteroffensive

Ukrainian soldiers showed footage from liberated Makarivka in Donetsk Oblast

Ukrainian defenders post video of them liberating Blahodatne in Donetsk Oblast

France steps up arms supplies to Ukraine to help counteroffensive – Macron

Fighting continues, but we will refrain from assessments – White House on Ukraine's counteroffensive

Defence Forces continue counteroffensive in at least three frontline areas – ISW

Armed Forces of Ukraine seize control of 16 in a week on Bakhmut front

Ukraine's counteroffensive can take weeks if not months – Macron

Zelenskyy holds meeting of Staff of Supreme Commander-in-Chief: Russia's losses are right where we want them

Ukraine's successful counter-offensive could force Putin to negotiate – US Secretary of State

7 settlements were liberated in counteroffensive – Ukraine's Defence Ministry

11 people were evacuated from 3 liberated settlements – Donetsk Oblast Military Administration

Russians on defensive in south, try to advance toward Blahodatne, Donetsk Oblast – General Staff report

War Speeches. Russian Front Crushing Down, Ukraine is Closer to NATO

Ukraine's Armed Forces liberate Storozhove in Donetsk Oblast

Armed Forces of Ukraine move frontline on Avdiivka front, capture Russian positions

Armed Forces of Ukraine liberate Makarivka and advance on several fronts – Deputy Defence Minister

Defence forces destroy convoy of Russian vehicles in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Zelenskyy on counteroffensive: All Ukrainian commanders are optimistic, so tell Putin that

Ukrainian counteroffensive: ISW analyses success of Ukrainian defenders

Estonian intelligence on Ukraine's offensive: Fighting intensifies in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Defence Forces conducted counteroffensive actions on at least three areas of the front

Ukraine starts counteroffensive against Russia – Western media

Ukraine's counteroffensive will start regardless of Russia's blowing up Kakhovka dam – Lithuanian Defence Ministry

Ukraine's National Security Council Secretary: When we launch counteroffensive, everyone will see it

Ukraine is ready for counteroffensive, but the fight will be lengthy – Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff

Zelenskyy about the Bakhmut front: Thank you for moving forward

Zelenskyy: Disaster at Kakhovka HPP will not stop Ukraine, we will liberate all our lands