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Third of prisoners released by Russians in Kherson returned to remand centre

Occupiers declare their "administration" left Nova Kakhovka

Zelenskyy: We are ready for peace, but peace for entire Ukraine

Zelenskyy arrives in Kherson

12 settlements liberated in Luhansk Oblast

2 Ukrainian mobile operators start working in Kherson

Occupiers set up torture chambers in Snihurivka, Mykolaiv Oblast; there are mass graves

Zelenskyy: Atrocities Russian forces committed in Kherson Oblast are on par with those in other occupied territories

Russian occupation forces’ torture chambers found in Kherson Oblast

Armed Forces of Ukraine liberate Makiivka in Luhansk Oblast

Ukrainian mobile network is restored in central Kherson

People are asked not to gather in central Kherson because there are Russian mines almost everywhere

Military raise Ukrainian flag at Antonivka Road Bridge in Kherson

Even bodies mined: State Emergency Service asks civilians not to return to liberated territories without permit

Commander of Operational Command Pivden (South) greeted in Kherson with Ukrainian flags and chants

Over 60 settlements in Kherson Oblast liberated – Zelenskyy

A curfew is imposed and entry and exit are restricted in Kherson

Ukrainian Oblast and City Administrations already work in Kherson

Occupiers take priceless stock from Kherson library

British Ambassador welcomes liberation of Kherson: we live and work among heroes

Ukrainian military describes first batch of "Russian Lend-Lease" in Ukraine’s south

Ukrainian Armed Forces liberate around 3,000 square km in southern Ukraine in 24 hours

All of Mykolaiv Oblast except Kinburn Spit liberated

Bodies of civilians killed by occupiers found in liberated Kherson Oblast

Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence to Russian military in Kherson: only way to survive is to surrender

Ukrainians are advised not to return to liberated Kherson region for now


Medvedev calls on Russians not to panic over Kherson: he hopes to capture it again

“Thank you, boys” and happy children: General Staff shows how Ukraine’s Armed Forces are greeted in Kherson Oblast

Zelenskyy: Good news from southern Ukraine, 41 towns and villages liberated