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Give me one reason why Ukraine shouldn't be in the EU, Zelenskyy tells Orbán

European Commission anticipates new procedure for accession negotiations for Ukraine

If Hungary blocks EU decision, it will mean Putin vetoed it – Zelenskyy

EU assesses Ukraine's law on national minorities positively, von der Leyen says

Slovak PM will not block Ukraine's EU accession talks despite believing Ukraine is not ready

Hungary promises to unlock €50bn for Ukraine if EU gives it €30bn

European Council President: EU wants to speed up ammunition production to help Ukraine

European Council president "very confident" of €50 billion approval for Ukraine despite Hungary's position

Ukraine's Foreign Minister urges EU not to follow US's example and be more active in supporting Ukraine

Austria blocks 12th EU sanctions package due to Raiffeisen Bank being on list of war sponsors

Europeans are more favourable to Ukraine's accession to EU than to other candidates

Slovakia prepared to support opening of EU negotiations with Ukraine

New impetus: EU may give Ukraine €15 billion from frozen Russian assets – FT

Slovaks in Ukraine call on Fico to support opening talks with Ukraine on EU accession

European Commission works to transfer profits from Russian assets to Ukraine

Hungarian Foreign Minister does not change his mind about decisions on Ukraine at the EU summit after conversation with Kuleba – photo

Hungary undermines EU unity – Lithuanian President

EU membership talks with Ukraine: "The struggle continues" – Ukraine's Foreign Minister

EU believes that Ukraine has walked only quarter of its path to defeat corruption

EU's foreign ministers to discuss increasing support and security guarantees for Ukraine

Hungary persists in blocking all future EU summit decisions on Ukraine

Zelenskyy speaks to French President over the phone from Argentina

Ukrainian parliament calls on EU countries to support talks on country's membership

Zelenskyy speaks with Estonia's Prime Minister about upcoming EU summit and further support for Ukraine

Ukraine's parliament adopts range of European integration laws related to combating corruption

EU trade unions urge EU to boycott Polish carriers over border blockade with Ukraine

Ukraine's Parliament approves changes to national minorities' rights required for EU membership talks

Zelenskyy: Ukraine's Parliament to vote on decision to prepare for negotiations with EU

Hungary's Prime Minister once again says he is against talks on Ukraine's accession to EU

Size of aid to Ukraine reaches lowest level since January 2022 – research