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Dmytro Kuleba

Ukraine no longer has to go through MAP stage for NATO membership – Kuleba

Ukraine's Foreign Minister to Orbán: If you're so smart, convince Putin to withdraw his troops

Ukrainian Foreign Minister is outraged by slow introduction of sanctions against manufacturers of Russian drones and missiles

Ukraine's Foreign Minister calls on the world to not become inured to Russian strikes on Ukrainian cities

Ukraine's Foreign Minister denies that Chinese envoy called on European countries to recognise Ukrainian territories as belonging to Russian

Russia's ambassadors try to hinder Ukrainian Foreign Minister in Africa, and Russia prepares tour "in his footsteps"

Ukraine's Foreign Minister warns against sprouting peace plans for Ukraine "like mushrooms after rain"

Any mediation between Ukraine and Russia must comply with two principles – Ukraine's Foreign Minister

Portugal to help train Ukrainian pilots and engineers – Ukraine's Foreign Minister

South Korea supports Ukrainian "peace formula"

Ukraine's Foreign Minister presents award to young singer who refused to share stage with Russian performer

Ukraine's Foreign Minister explains how €1 billion EU funding for joint purchase of ammunition will impact Ukraine

There will be F-16s, it's only a matter of time – Ukraine's Foreign Minister

Ukraine's Foreign Minister: Moldova to join in setting up Special Tribunal for Russia

EU Foreign Affairs Representative discusses Xi-Zelenskyy call with Ukraine's Foreign Minister

Supplying Ukraine with F-16 fighters will deter Russia, not provoke it – Ukraine's Foreign Affairs Minister

Ukraine's Foreign Minister says NATO lacks political will to decide on Ukraine's accession

Ukraine's Foreign Minister to European counterparts: Peace in Europe will depend on speed of weapons delivery

Ukraine's Foreign Minister explains why Ukraine and the world need true peace, not appeasing the aggressor

Ukraine's Foreign Affairs Minister calls on Kuwait to participate in reconstruction of Ukraine

Dmytro Kuleba: Ukraine wants a favourable decision on the F-16s and an acceleration of arms deliveries before the NATO summit

Ukraine's parliament also believes Ukraine should not join NATO through MAP – Foreign Minister

Black Sea, like the Baltic Sea, should become a NATO sea – Ukraine's Foreign Minister

"Worse than ISIS": Ukraine's Foreign Ministry calls on UN to kick Russia out after new video of execution of Ukrainian PoW

Ukraine moving towards NATO membership will be considered success at Alliance summit in Vilnius

Ukrainian Foreign Minister comments on negotiations about F-16s in Brussels

Weapons and membership in Alliance discussed during Ukraine-NATO commission session

Issue of NATO Membership Action Plan for Ukraine off agenda – Kuleba

Szijarto outraged at Ukrainian Foreign Minister being invited to Brussels, says it undermines NATO unity

Ukraine's Foreign Minister before NATO-Ukraine Commission meeting: We will talk about path to membership