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Melitopol: Guerrillas kill high-ranking Russian military - Oblast Military Administration

Mayor: Over half the residents of occupied Melitopol have already left

Melitopol: Residents did not go out to celebrate 9 May, people brought in from Luhansk and Crimea - mass media

Russian military breaking into garages and seizing cars in Melitopol - media reports

Zaporizhzhia Military Administration: Immortal Regiment commemoration to take place in Melitopol

Occupiers plan to shoot people in Melitopol on 9 May and accuse Ukrainian Armed Forces – Mayor of Melitopol

Scooter rigged with explosives blows up in centre of occupied Melitopol

Residents of Russian-occupied Melitopol distribute pro-Ukraine posters

Russian occupiers intensifying abductions, moving around in Melitopol is dangerous - the mayor

Bridge used by Russians to deliver weapons and fuel was blown up near Melitopol - media

Melitopol mayor: Russians have abducted the Bulgarian consul in occupied Melitopol

Melitopol: guerrillas operating at night killed 70 Russian occupiers within 3 weeks - Ukrainian Chief Intelligence Directorate

Russian occupying troops offer Ukrainians in Melitopol the chance to join Russian army

Aggressors have been holding 8 evacuation buses in Melitopol for 24 hours

More than 100 people abducted in occupied Melitopol - according to mayor

Property of Melitopol shops looted by invaders found in Crimea and Chechnya

Melitopol Mayor: Russian troops prevent 200 evacuating cars from passing through checkpoint

Melitopol: Russians hold Head of District Council and 5 school principals prisoner

Evacuation buses carrying people finally leave Melitopol – mayor

Russian military allows Melitopol residents to go only to Crimea - Mayor

Russians kidnapped the Head of the Education Department in Melitopol - Ivan Fedorov

Russian occupiers fail to hold paid rally in captured Melitopol - Regional Administration

Russians in Melitopol are hunting down "fascists" – those who refuse to bow down to Russia

A traitor, appointed by Russians in Melitopol, appropriated Ukrainian humanitarian aid

Humanitarian convoy arrives in Melitopol, and will take people back

Russians kidnap journalist's father in Melitopol and demand she return and report to them

Iryna Vereshchuk: Russians kidnapped three Israeli citizens in Melitopol

Melitopol Mayor on his kidnapping: 7 hours with a sack over my head

Mayor of Melitopol released from Russian captivity

Abducted mayor of Melitopol was taken to Luhansk - Zaporizhzhya Regional Military Administration