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Ukraine's Defence Minister shows G7 ambassadors his new deputies and speaks about fighting corruption

Ukraine's Defence Minister shows off a Leopard tank: "Where's the road to Moscow?"

Ukraine's Defence Minister: We expect first tanks from our partners in near future

Anti-Kremlin coalition already made up of 54 countries

Next Ramstein-format meeting may be held in mid-March

"Armoured fist" being strengthened: Ukraine's Defence Minister says country will soon be able to fulfil Commander-in-Chief plans

Defence Minister to preserve his position thanks to President's decision

Ukraine needs several months to prepare for liberation of its territories – Defence Minister

Second day of Ramstein dedicated to tanks - Ukraine’s Defence Minister

Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers appoints First Deputy Minister of Defence

Ukrainian Defence Minister meets his American and Dutch counterparts before Ramstein

Ukraine's Defence Minister announces dismissal and appointments in Defence Ministry

Defence Minister announces staff changes in Ministry in aftermath of corruption scandal

Ukraine's Minister of Defence sheds light on composition of Defence Ministry's anti-corruption council

Sky defence and tank coalition: Ukraine's Defence Minister on main themes of Ramstein 9

Russians have no chance to approach Odesa from sea – Ukraine's Defence Minister

621 officials of Defence Ministry and Armed Forces brought to justice after audits – Ukraine’s Defence Minister

Lithuanian Defence Minister meets his Ukrainian counterpart in southern Ukraine

Reznikov plans to change approach to combating corruption at Defence Ministry and to recruit personnel

After meeting with his German colleague, Ukraine's Minister of Defence explains how Ukraine will receive Leopard 1

Constitution foresees citizen's duty to defend his country – Ukraine's Defence Minister on conscription

Ukraine's Defence Minister explains what new Russia's offensive will look like

Ukraine's Defence Minister on Russians' Kyiv dream: How can you capture a city of 3 million people?

No personnel changes expected in defence sector this week – Ukraine's MP

Defence Minister Reznikov states he was not offered to head Strategic Industries Ministry, and he would refuse

Ukraine's Defence Minister to be transferred to another ministry, intelligence chief to head Defence Ministry

Ukraine's Defence Minister wants to create Military Prozorro procurement system

Defence Minister announces aircrafts from partners: Type unknown yet

Defence Minister Reznikov: We expect offensives, as it is February, and Russians love symbolism

Ukraine will not use new US long-range projectiles to attack Russia – Defence Minister