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Ukraine's Special Operations Forces destroy Russian Buk anti-aircraft system and six missiles – video

Macron doesn't rule out sending troops to Ukraine if Russians break through line of contact

Switzerland: Russia not invited to Peace Summit "at this stage", but process unthinkable without it

Ukraine's Foreign Minister expresses opinion on Ukraine's concessions to Russia for peace

Ukraine's foreign minister explains why Ukraine sees no point in inviting Russia to Peace Summit

Russians lament nighttime drone attacks in 7 Russian regions: energy facilities targeted – video

Associated Press shows apocalyptic picture of Ukraine's Chasiv Yar, which is under constant Russian attacks – video

Russians use kamikaze drones over Zaporizhzhia NPP reactors, Ukrainian intelligence reports – video

Since December 2023, Russians execute at least 15 Ukrainian soldiers who were trying to surrender – HRW

Ukraine's ambassador to US reveals content of large-scale package of US sanctions against Russia's military industry

Russian authorities say drones attack 2 oblasts and damage power grid

All-terrain vehicle with flag of neutral Austria shown at NATO trophy vehicle exhibition in Moscow – photo

Diesel exports from Russian ports fall by a quarter in April

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence reports on Russia's missile stock and production rate

UK Defence Intelligence on interrogation of senior deputy of Russia's Defence Minister

G7 nations pledge to decrease dependence on Russian goods in nuclear industry

Russia loses 1,120 soldiers and 21 armoured combat vehicles over past 24 hours

Drones attack two Russian oblasts: Ryazan refinery ablaze – video

US Senate votes to ban enriched uranium imports from Russia – Bloomberg

Attacks on Russian refineries have proved incredibly successful, leaving Russia running out of petrol – Politico

Lukashenko builds huge residence near Sochi – photo

Forest fire in Ulan-Ude, Russia, spreads to houses, population evacuated – video

Ukraine's Special Operations Forces hit two Russian Buk anti-aircraft missile systems on Sumy front – video

Ukrainian sentenced to 25 years in prison in Russia for alleged railway arson

Russian zoo sends two peacocks to combat zone to raise soldiers' spirits – photo

Russia's largest shipping company renames US-sanctioned oil tankers

Russia loses 1,250 soldiers and 22 tanks over past day

If Russia demonstrates that it's genuinely willing to negotiate, we'll certainly be there – Blinken

Former Russian military officer and his wife from Kyiv organise sabotage in Europe – The Insider

Red Cross decides not to suspend Russian branch despite links to Kremlin