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Russian invaders strike oil depot in Okhtyrka

Too late to hide, too late to be silent, and too late to play by the rules

Kyiv continues to defend itself, shootings occur at night – Klitschko

Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko remarked that the situation in Kyiv was under control by the units of Ukraine's Armed Forces of Ukraine and territorial defense forces, but at night, there were skirmishes and shootings with the occupiers' sabotage and recon groups.

Ukraine’s National Guard promises Russian soldiers who cede arms can return home safely

Putin's office did not answer the question on the threat of war between Russia and NATO

Volodymyr Putin’s spokesperson refused to comment on the question regarding the possibility of clash between Russia and NATO.

Ukraine has intercepted the military initiative – Danilov

Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council (RNBO) Oleksii Danilov considers that the Ukrainian military and Ukraine’s political authority have managed to intercept the military initiative in the confrontation against Russian military aggression.

Russian Sberbank shares fell by 73% at the opening of trading

"Disabled in 5 minutes": Ukrainians hack Moscow Stock Exchange

Dozens of soldiers of Russian National Guard from Siberia died in Ukraine, plane with bodies took off – according to Russian media

According to the Russian media " Taiga.Info " the commander of the Russian National Guard (‘Rosgvardiya’ – ed.) unit in the Kemerovo Oblast (region – ed.), Konstantin Ogiy, along with dozens of fighters, was killed near Kyiv. A plane with their bodies is expected in Siberia.

Source : Siberian media " Taiga.Info "

Details : Journalist sources claim that at least 42 Russian National Guard soldiers together with the commander of the Kemerovo Oblast SOBR (Rapid Intervention Unit – ed.), Colonel Konstantin Ogiy, were killed in an attempt to seize the airfield in Hostomel near Kyiv. He had experience of fighting in Chechnya and Afghanistan.

In addition, Russian media sources suggest that the losses may be higher, as the exact number of dead and captured riot police members is unknown.

OMON (riot police – ed.) and SOBR (Rapid Intervention Unit – ed.) are designed to protect public order in cities and pursue criminals. However, according to the sources, they were used to try to capture the military airfield in the battle with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

A plane with the bodies of those killed on 28 February is expected in the Kemerovo region.

Meanwhile, neither the Russian Ministry of Defence nor Rosgvardiya responded to journalist inquiries.

Zelenskyy: Ukraine should be immediately addmitted into the EU by special procedure

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy requested the European Union to enact a special procedure enabling Ukraine to join the EU.

Defence in Lugansk region holding out – the hardest situation is in the Girske area

In the Lugansk region, the defence is holding out. The hardest situation is currently in the area of Girske, where the Russian army has fired on most of the surrounding villages.

In occupied Berdiansk, local resident shot by a Russian soldier for refusing to hand over his phone

In Berdiansk, a Russian soldier shot a civilian who refused to hand over his mobile phone.

Russia lost 5,300 servicemen, 200 tanks, 30 planes in its invasion of Ukraine

Deputy Minister of Defence Hanna Malyar reported main losses of the Russian army as of the morning of the fifth day of the invasion of Ukraine.

In Kharkiv region, Russian advance halted, invaders incur heavy losses

Last night in Kharkiv the defence repelled the attacks of the enemy and stopped the advance of the Russian occupation army. Many military vehicles of the enemy were destroyed. Kharkiv is under Ukrainian control.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov unable to attend UN meeting due to sanctions

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov will not attend a meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva due to new travel requirements resulting from sanctions against Russia. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declined to provide documents necessary to enable his participation.

Berdiansk temporarily occupied by Russian invaders – Zaporizhia Oblast Administration

The Russian occupying forces have temporarily gained control of Berdiansk, a city on the shore of the Azov Sea in Zaporizhia Oblast.

Russians continue their failing assault on Kyiv

In the small hours of 28 February, the fifth day of the Russian invasion, Russian forces continued their attempts to break through Kyiv's defences. Their assault continues to be unsuccessful, as the situation in the capital remains under firm control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Russian invaders burn down Ivankiv Museum. Maria Prymachenko’s artwork destroyed

The Ivankiv Museum of Local History in Kyiv region was burned down. The museum housed unique artwork by the Ukrainian folk artist Maria Prymachenko.

Kuleba to Russians: "Putin started the war, and you are paying for it"

Negotiations with Russia at the Ukrainian-Belarusian border will take place this morning - source

Negotiations between the Ukrainian delegation and the Russian side will take place at the border between Ukraine and Belarus on Monday morning.

11 military landing crafts set off from Crimea to Odessa, Armed Forces are ready to repel - Arestovich

Russian invaders intend to use residents of Kherson to seize Kyiv - Regional State Administration

Third member of Derzhavna Duma condemns the war against Ukraine

Vyacheslav Markhaev, a member of the CPRF (Communist Party of Russia) and of Derzhavna Duma from the Republic of Buryatia, has condemned the military attack by Russia on Ukraine.

Poles believe that Putin will attack them next - poll

Russia blocks website about captured and killed RF soldiers

Missile attacks on Mykolaiv airport

Russian sabotage unit surrenders near Mykolayiv

In Kharkiv region, mayor admits to handing over city to occupiers

Russian occupation forces in Crimea gather men for war with Ukraine – Crimea Platform

Russian occupation forces in Crimea have begun to actively recruit men into various units of the Russian army to go to war against Ukraine, according to the Crimean Platform.

Zelenskyy on his conversation with Lukashenko: I explained to him that there mustn't be a clash between us

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that he had a long and substantive conversation with the self-proclaimed President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko. Zelenskyy explained to him that our nations mustn't clash.