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Wagner Group

Wagner Group's withdrawal from front on 1 June will allow Ukraine's Armed Forces to launch counterattacks

Wagner company tries to buy military equipment through Mali – US State Department

Wagnerites unlikely to be able to continue fighting outside Bakhmut

Armed Forces of Ukraine say Prigozhin wants to flee Bakhmut because Wagner Group is broken

Russians use civilian hospital in Luhansk to treat Wagner PMC soldiers

Wagner Group ex-commander wants to return to Russia after seeking asylum in Norway

Armed Forces of Ukraine liberate 20 kilometres around Bakhmut, Russians advance into city itself

Prigozhin not threatened with removal as long as Wagner forces on contact line – ISW

Prigozhin offered to disclose Russian troop locations to Ukraine − WP

Washington Post deleted part of Zelenskyy interview about Prigozhin's contacts with Ukraine's Defence Intelligence, then reinstated it

Ukrainian commander says Wagner Group fighters were the first to flee in Bakhmut

Looking for scapegoat out of fear of defeat: Ukraine's Defence Intelligence explains conflict between Wagner Group's financier and Russia's Defence Minister

Drunk Wagnerites beat and robbed businessman in Volgograd, Russia

Sweden to seek EU recognition of Wagner Group as terrorist organisation

US sees no signs of Wagner retreat from Bakhmut – Politico

Prigozhin warns of risk of encirclement of Wagnerites in Bakhmut

Wagner Group founder will not withdraw Wagner forces from Bakhmut due to dependence on Russian Defence Ministry

French National Assembly recognises Wagner group as terrorist organisation

Wagner Group recruits people with Nazi tattoos for war in Ukraine

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence explains why Wagner Group founder so actively comments on Ukrainian counteroffensive

Prigozhin and Kadyrov to blame Russian Defence Ministry for failures in Bakhmut – ISW

Wagner Group leader now claims Russians were not that keen on taking Bakhmut

Chechen leader says his fighters ready to replace Wagner Group "cannon fodder" in Bakhmut

Ukraine's forces destroy Wagner ammunition storage points on Bakhmut front – Deputy Defence Minister

Russia wants to take Bakhmut by 9 May, deploying Wagnerites there – Ukraine's Deputy Defence Minister

​​Prigozhin says he will withdraw Wagnerites from Bakhmut after 10 May to "lick their wounds"

Wagner Group leader shares video of rows of dead Wagnerites and curses Russia's top military leadership

"It's started": Wagner Group leader says Ukrainian Armed Forces have launched offensive

Wagner Group financier claims untruthfully that his PMC has killed Ukrainian Territorial Defence commander

About 400 prisoners recruited by Wagner PMC brought to Zaporizhzhia