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Russia is trying to trace the routes by which Ukraine receives weapons from Europe — Intelligence Service

Convoy of Russian equipment seen in Mariupol moving towards Zaporizhzhia – adviser to the mayor

First M270 systems arrive in Ukraine, good company for HIMARS – Reznikov

HIMARS has already destroyed more than 30 Russian logistic military facilities – Ministry of Defence

Ukraine undertakes not to strike Russia with HIMARS – the Minister of Defence

Reznikov refutes the smuggling of Western weapons from Ukraine and promises better control 

Reznikov waiting for Western-supplied 300km-range HIMARS

Lessons learned. How not to squander Ukraine's chance

Russians in Kherson have stored ammunition in the Kherson Theatre of Drama – reconnaissance

Zaluzhnyi on the supply of Western weapons: We will not allow them to fall into the hands of terrorists

Russian forces in a panic: there is no way to hide from the new weapon of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – SSU interception

Andrii Yermak suggests creating a commission in the Parliament to monitor the receipt of weapons

Zelenskyy: Polish Minister of Defence “brought” AHS Krab to Ukraine

Satellite images show the consequences of a large-scale strike on Nova Kakhovka

The first training of drone army operators has started – Fedorov

Captured Russian "Pantsir" fights for Ukraine, takes out first target

War Speeches. A Week of Russian Failures. Ukraine Embarks on a Recovery Process

Convoy of equipment headed from Mariupol towards the front line – mayor's advisor

Russian pilots arrive in Belarus and paratrooper training begins – observers

Western weapons successfully deployed on the frontlines at last – Zelenskyy

Bayraktar for Ukraine from the Lithuanians is already in Lithuania; it will be handed over in the near future

Slovakia can send Ukraine MiG-29 fighters and tanks

Ukrainian marines show how they hunt Russian tanks with a "Stugna"

Ukrainian artillery units destroy much-touted Russian Pantsyr missile system

Zelenskyy thanks Biden for new U.S. military aid package: It will strengthen Ukraine’s air defence capability

Zaluzhnyi posts video of Polish "Krab howitzers" at work

Russians withdraw old military equipment from storage on Sakhalin and in Kaliningrad – Ministry of Defence

Russian ammunition depot blown up with Ukrainian Valkyrie

Reznikov reports on the thousands of Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters who are training abroad: “We learn fast”

Zelenskyy stressed the importance of strong air defence for Ukraine to Stoltenberg