Kyiv Military Administration: 11,000 ammunition units neutralised in Kyiv region last week

Monday, 11 April 2022, 06:57

Olha Hlushchenko – Monday, 11 April 2022, 05:57

Over the last week, 11,000 units of ammunition left behind by Russian troops have been neutralised in the Kyiv region.

Source: Oleksand Pavliuk, Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, on the national joint news broadcast, as cited in Ukrinform

According to Pavliuk: "There is great danger for civilians. Nearly 11,000 units of ammunition have been neutralised this week alone.

These include unexploded mines, trip-wires, booby-traps. The Russians are leaving many "surprises" for us in the cities they are withdrawing from.

These have to be very carefully checked. Only after that will we be able to give people access to their property."

Details: Pavliuk added that checkpoint personnel will let people who are returning to their homes through, but the government cannot guarantee the safety of such return.

"It is therefore better to wait while we carry out all the necessary checks. Additional forces are present in these areas to ensure the safety of property.

Nearly 600 police personnel have just arrived from other districts in order to ensure 24/7 security of people’s property and to prevent looting," Pavliuk said.

He noted that the majority of looters are local residents who know which houses are standing empty; they sometimes attempt to enter other people’s houses, but the police detain them.

Background: Pavliuk warned that the de-mining of roads and territories continues in the Kyiv region and the capital’s residents will continue to hear the accompanying explosions for a long time.