General Staff: Armed Forces of Ukraine regain control over Maryinka in Donetsk region

Tuesday, 19 April 2022, 19:00

Denys Karlovskyi – Tuesday, 19 April 2022, 19:00

The Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a counter-attack and liberated the city of Maryinka in the Donetsk region from the Russian occupiers.

Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook, information as of 18:00 on 19 April

According to the General Staff: "Near the city of Maryinka in the Donetsk region, the enemy suffered losses and retreated in the wake of a counter-attack conducted by our troops. Units of Defence Forces regained control over this city.

On the Slobozhanskyi front, partial blockade of the city of Kharkiv by the enemy troops continues. The occupiers are  trying to inflict fire damage on our units and critical infrastructure facilities. Enemy troops made an attempt to advance and carry out an assault operation to the south of Izyum. They were not successful: they suffered losses and were forced to retreat to previously occupied positions."

Details: The General Staff reported that fighting continued on the outskirts of Oleksandrivka at the administrative border between the Mykolayiv and Kherson regions. Russian occupying forces attempted to push Ukrainian troops back beyond the administrative borders of the Kherson region, but were not successful.

Russian troops continued to use the railways to transport damaged armoured equipment from the territory of Belarus to the territory of the Russian Federation. They continued using [Belarusian] airfields to carry out air and missile strikes on Ukrainian cities.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stressed that Russian troops are suffering significant personnel losses as a result of the fighting. In order to speed up the replenishment of units and subdivisions, the Russian military officials introduced new short-term contracts (lasting 3 months) and simplified the psychophysical examination requirements. However, according to the General Staff, these measures have not led to the expected results.

Ukrainian intelligence obtained information that since the beginning of 2022, only 130 contract soldiers have been enlisted to serve in 42 military headquarters of the Southern Military District. 22 of them have already refused to participate in the so-called "special operation" on the territory of Ukraine.

Personnel of two battalion-tactical groups of the 200th Separate Motorised Infantry Brigade of the 14th Army Corps of the Coastal Troops of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation were killed.

Three companies of the 1st Parachute Regiment and the Company of the 137th Parachute Regiment, which are part of the 106th Parachute Division of the Armed Forces, were also killed by the Ukrainian defence forces.


  • Pentagon officials and a number of experts believe that Russia has not yet begun the expected battle for Donbas, but continues to stockpile supplies and weapons for an intensified offensive.
  • As of 19 April, Russian invaders had already lost 20,800 personnel, over 2,000 armoured combat vehicles, nearly 170 planes, over 150 helicopters, and over 380 artillery systems.