The battle for Donbas will remind us of the Second World War – Minister of Foreign Affairs

Thursday, 7 April 2022, 17:09


The battle between Ukraine and the Russian aggressor for Donbas will be similar to the Second World War, according to the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba.

Source: Kuleba at a press conference after attending a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels on Thursday, Interfax-Ukraine reports

Quote: "I'm sorry to say this, but it's true: the battle for Donbas will remind you of World War II, with major operations, manoeuvres, thousands of tanks, armoured vehicles, aircraft, artillery.

This will not be a local operation, based on what we see from Russia's preparations for this. Russia has a plan, we have ours. And the result of this battle will be decided on the battlefield. "

Details: The Minister pointed out that it is very important now that the allies do not tell Ukraine that they are still thinking and they need to follow all the procedures, that many problems must be resolved before they make a decision.

"Either you help us now, and I'm talking about days, not weeks, or your help will come too late. Many people will die, many civilians will lose their homes, many villages will be destroyed because this help came too late," Kuleba summed up.

Previously: Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council Oleksii Danilov said that Ukrainian defenders expect heavy fighting with occupying forces in coming days in the direction of Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv regions.

According to the General Staff, the Russians continue their efforts to prepare an offensive operation in eastern Ukraine in order to establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Brigadier General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Hruzevych believes that after regrouping its troops, Russia will try to carry out a second offensive against Kyiv.