Ukrainian air defence system shot down 4 Russian cruise missiles over Lviv and Mykolayiv oblasts

Tuesday, 17 May 2022, 09:51

IRYNA BALACHUK – Thursday, May 17 2022, 09:51


Ukrainian air defence shot down three Russian cruise missiles over the Lviv region and one over the Mykolaiv region on the night of May 17.

Source: Air Command "South" and Air Command "West" on Facebook

According to Air Command "West": "At midnight on May 17, the aggressors launched a missile strike on the infrastructure of Lviv Oblast. Three cruise missiles were destroyed by air defence units of Air Command "West"".

Details: It is noted that Russian troops attacked Lviv Oblast from the south-east with sea-based cruise missiles.

One more Russian cruise missile was shot down over Mykolayiv Oblast by a unit of anti-aircraft defence forces of the Air Command "South".

It is mentioned that this missile was launched by a strategic bomber approaching from the Caspian Sea and moving towards western regions of Ukraine.
