So-called deputy minister of housing and utilities injured in explosion in occupied Melitopol and hospitalised

Friday, 12 May 2023, 17:21

The so-called "deputy minister" of Housing and Utilities appointed by the invaders has been wounded in an explosion in occupied Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Oblast; he has been taken to the hospital with mine-blast injuries.

Source: TASS, Kremlin-aligned Russian news outlet; Vladimir Rogov, the representative of the occupiers in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, on Telegram

Quote: "According to the Investigative Committee, on 12 May, an unknown person planted an improvised explosive device in a rubbish bin near the entrance to an apartment building in Melitopol, which was detonated when the acting deputy minister was leaving the building."

Details: The collaborator has reportedly sustained mine-blast injuries. He has been taken to a medical facility.

Collaborator’s name is not disclosed; however, as per the information from Russian propagandists, Oleh Riabchuk has been appointed the so-called deputy minister of construction, architecture and utilities of Zaporizhzhia Oblast.


  • On the morning of 12 May, a strong explosion occurred in the centre of temporarily occupied Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Oblast. The occupiers claimed that no one was injured, saying that only nearby cars were damaged and that the blast wave smashed the glass in the nearest building.
  • On 11 May, Yevhen Balytskyi, a collaborator and Russian-appointed puppet leader in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, claimed that an attempt had been made in occupied Melitopol against the "head of the court of Zaporizhzhia Oblast", which allegedly resulted in the injury of two bodyguards of the "judge". However, the legally elected mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, said that "the occupiers are once again playing out the scenario of ‘danger'" in the temporarily occupied territories.

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