Ukraine's Security Service responsible for blowing up collaborators in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Saturday, 3 June 2023, 13:16

Collaborator Serhii Didovydiuk and his 33-year-old daughter were killed in a car explosion in temporarily occupied Mykhailivka, Zaporizhzhia Oblast. According to a UP source, the Security Service of Ukraine was behind the explosion.

Source: UP source in law enforcement agencies; Security Service of Ukraine in an interview with UP

Details: The passengers in the Niva car where the explosives were planted were Serhii Didovydiuk (deputy head of the headquarters of We Are Together with Russia, a pro-Russian collaborationist organisation), his wife, and his daughter Yana (an active collaborator and the deputy of Viacheslav Bidniakov, the so-called "head of the military-civil administration of the town of Mykhailovka").

The collaborator and his daughter were killed, his wife was injured, and the condition of Bidniakov, who was near the blown-up car, has yet to be confirmed.

According to the UP source, Didovydiuk was part of a narrow circle of Russian proxies. He resolved personnel issues and reported on local patriots.

Officially, the Security Service of Ukraine has not commented on the above events, but it has issued a reminder that every collaborator and accomplice of the occupiers will face inevitable punishment.

Quote: "We will be able to reveal all the details about this bavovna after our victory. [Bavovna is a Ukrainian word for cotton; this is a reference to how Russian propaganda, initially refusing to use the word ‘vzryv’ (explosion), used ‘khlopok’ (a bang) instead. However, ‘khlopok’ also means cotton, and this has since become a meme - ed.] But given some incidents that happen in the temporarily occupied territories, the collaborators should understand that it is better for them to end up in a Ukrainian prison than at a Kobzon concert. [The Ukrainian phrase "to go to a Kobzon concert", which means to die, refers to the late Iosif Kobzon, a popular Russian singer who supported Putin’s regime – ed.]

As Vasyl Maliuk, Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, has repeatedly noted, ‘cotton’ has been burning, is burning and will burn."

Background: A car carrying four Russian collaborators exploded on 2 June.

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