One of key demands of hauliers blocking Ukrainian-Polish border deemed legally impossible, says European Commission

Thursday, 16 November 2023, 14:24

One of the key demands of the Polish hauliers blocking the border with Ukraine is not legally possible.

Source: Adalbert Jahnz, a European Commission spokesperson, at a briefing in Brussels on 16 November, as reported by European Pravda. 

The Polish hauliers’ key demand is a return to the system of permits for Ukrainian hauliers to work in the EU.

Quote from Jahnz: "Any restoration of the permit or quota system for automotive transport is not legally feasible, as it would be incompatible with the Agreement on the Carriage of Freight by Road between Ukraine and the EU. The Agreement on the Carriage of Freight by Road was, of course, negotiated with the consent of the member countries.

If there are any questions regarding the implementation of this agreement... primarily, it depends on the national authorities of the member states and Ukraine to ensure compliance with the agreement's provisions in practice."

Read also: How a Small Group of Poles Took Two Countries Hostage

Jahnz noted that the European Commission can assist in discussions on issues arising from the agreement's implementation.

He also refrained from commenting on reports from the Polish media suggesting that if the Polish authorities do not resolve the issue of blocking border crossings with Ukraine, the European Commission may initiate an infringement procedure against Poland.


  • Dozens of Polish truck drivers began blocking three border crossings with Ukraine on 6 November.
  • They are demanding, among other things, that commercial permits be introduced for Ukrainian companies to transport goods, with the exception of humanitarian aid and supplies for the Ukrainian military, that licences for companies founded after the start of the war in Ukraine be suspended, and that inspections be conducted.

Read also: Price of Blockade: Consequences of Protest on Ukrainian-Polish Border

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