Situation on Polish-Ukrainian border still challenging: Shehyni crossing blocked in daytime, total of 3700 trucks queuing

Friday, 24 November 2023, 11:23

The situation on the Polish-Ukrainian border remains challenging, with four checkpoints currently blocked and around 3,700 trucks queuing to enter Ukraine.

Source: Colonel Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson for Ukraine's State Border Guard Service (SBGS), in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda

Details: The colonel noted that the blockade participants had extended their efforts to the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint on Thursday, 23 November.

The SBGS had obtained this information from its Polish colleagues and had previously received a letter indicating that the blockade would take place from 23 to 26 November, mainly during the daytime, from 10:00 to 21:00 Kyiv time.

Therefore, Polish border guards informed Ukraine's SBGS on the evening of 23 November that the blockade had been lifted, and the truck traffic in this area resumed.

The Poles resumed blocking this area after 10:00 on Friday, 24 November.

As of the morning, the queue at the border crossing point towards Ukraine from Poland totalled around 1,400 trucks, based on data from the Polish authorities.

Meanwhile, Demchenko noted: "The SBGS does not rule out that the number of trucks in all areas may be higher.

The colonel also added that truck traffic on the border with Slovakia is not currently blocked.

Quote: "The traffic intensity remains the same following the short-term blockade on the border with Slovakia. However, the freight traffic has grown due to the actions taken on the Polish territory. The queue stands at about 400 trucks (there were no queues in this location until 6 November)."

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