Ukrainian air defence destroy 10 out of 11 Russian Shahed drones and Kh-59 missile at night

Saturday, 2 December 2023, 07:48

Ukraine’s Air Force destroyed 10 of the 11 Shahed-136/131 attack UAVs launched and one guided Kh-59 air missile on the night of 1-2 December.

Source: Ukraine’s Air Force

Quote: "On the night of 1-2 December 2023, the enemy launched 11 Shahed attack UAVs from Cape Chauda (Crimea) and a guided air missile from the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia Oblast."

Details: As a result of combat operations, the air defence of Ukraine’s Defence Forces destroyed 10 Shahed-136/131 attack UAVs within Odesa Oblast and one Kh-59 guided air missile in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

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