Attacks on occupiers in Crimea will continue – Ukraine's intelligence chief

Friday, 19 January 2024, 19:27

Ukraine will continue conducting operations in temporarily occupied Crimea in order to destroy Russian logistics, Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov, Head of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), has said.

Source: Budanov in a comment for the Financial Times; DIU

Quote: "Our units repeatedly entered Crimea [last year]. Our special forces will continue conducting active operations."

Details: Budanov stated that it is vital to continue putting pressure on Russia, specifically in Crimea – to attack from the air, deploy marine attack drones, and conduct covert special operations.

Budanov explained that one of the priorities of such missions is to destroy the logistics of the Russian occupying army in the temporarily occupied peninsula.

Furthermore, he said, the Russians’ attempts to conduct an offensive on the eastern front in Ukraine since autumn 2023 have borne no results so far: "Their latest pathetic attempt . . . [has] been going on for two months. No results."

Budanov added that the Russians’ losses on the front near Avdiivka in Donetsk Oblast have increased significantly in the last few weeks.

Budanov expressed doubts about Moscow’s ability to cover its losses of troops and ammunition, even with support from North Korea.

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