Media shows posts of aftermath of Russian evening attack on Kharkiv – photo

Wednesday, 24 January 2024, 03:16

Russia conducted three strikes on Kharkiv during the day on 23 January, injuring nine people, including a four-year-old child.

Source: Suspilne; Kharkiv Oblast National Police 

Details: Suspilne said a blast wave had partially destroyed the roof of a scientific institution, breaking all the windows, and the facade of a building had been burned on one of the central city streets.

At least nine people were injured as a result of the attack.

"We believe that in such a way, the Russians are trying to intimidate the civilian population of the city of Kharkiv so that civilians will evacuate from the city. This is a Russian war strategy. We believe they will continue to launch such missile strikes," said the head of the oblast prosecutor's office in Kharkiv Oblast at the scene of one of the strikes.

He reported that an office building had been hit in the city’s Kholodnohirskyi district.

Aftermath of Russian attacks on Kharkiv. Photo: Suspilne
Aftermath of Russian attacks on Kharkiv. Photo: Suspilne

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