Mobile air defence has enough ammo for "a few more powerful attacks" – Joint Forces Сommander

Thursday, 4 January 2024, 15:40

Ukraine’s mobile air defence has enough ammunition to withstand a few more powerful attacks from Moscow, but after that it will need more Western aid.

Source: Serhii Naiev, Сommander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in an interview for AFP

Quote from Naiev: "The current situation with man-portable air defence systems for mobile air defence groups is that there is enough ammunition to withstand a few more powerful attacks."

Details: However, a lieutenant-general who oversees mobile air defence units in Kyiv and Ukraine’s north, which are armed with portable guns, said that in the medium and long term, Ukraine needs Western help to replenish its missile stock.

This lieutenant-general said that "more ammunition is a priority" since the Russians "really want to deplete [Ukraine’s] air defence system".

At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine "would like to have more missiles for the Patriots and the systems themselves".

One soldier said Russia had recently used a new tactic: "The Russians are now firing missiles that release decoy flares during flight, like those on aircraft or helicopters. This has never happened before and this is a problem for Stingers.

Decoy flares are much hotter than a missile's exhaust and can fool defence systems."

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