Russians strengthen mobilisation in occupied territories, deploying new "military enlistment officers"

Sunday, 7 January 2024, 06:20

The Russians are trying to strengthen mobilisation measures in the temporarily occupied territories of southern Ukraine, according to the National Resistance Center.

Source: National Resistance Center 

Details: The centre reports that more and more repressive measures by the Russians are aimed at finding men to forcibly mobilise into the ranks of the Russian army.

As noted, doctors, educators, employees of municipal companies are included in mobilisation lists.

Also, as previously reported, teenagers from 17 years old are included in these lists.

In particular, new "military enlistment offices" have been set up to carry out mobilisation measures in the occupied cities of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts. They are headed by military personnel brought in from the Russian Federation.

Quote: "The enemy benefits from the death of Ukrainians, regardless of which side they are fighting on. Therefore, the occupiers use Ukrainians in their army for cannon [fodder] assaults, because their death does not create social tension in the Nazi society of the Russian Federation."

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