Ukrainian military official explains peculiarities of dealing with Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups on Northern front

Monday, 5 February 2024, 11:26

Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups (SRGs) operating on the northern front consist of well-trained officer groups from the Russian secret services and the General Directorate of the Russian General Staff.

Source: Serhii Naiev, Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during the national joint 24/7 newscast

Quote: "Each SRG consists of 10-12 individuals. All of these SRGs are part of the Russian secret services, as well as the Main Directorate of the Russian General Staff.

It is essential to understand that these are officer groups [as opposed to rank-and-file troops]. They are well trained, and focused on operating only in the border area. This is a small area, a few kilometres wide, along the thousand-kilometre-long state border. And they will seek to commit terrorist acts against civilians or military personnel."

Details: Naiev stressed that Ukraine’s northern national border is essentially the line of contact, after the previous defeat of Russian incursions into Ukrainian territory from the north.

Background: On 4 February, soldiers of the Territorial Defence Forces engaged in protecting Operational Zone Pivnich (North) thwarted an attempt by a Russian SRG to cross the state border of Ukraine on the Sumy front, killing some of the Russian invaders.

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