Zelenskyy discusses further support for Ukraine with US Senator Graham

Monday, 18 March 2024, 19:17

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has met with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham in Kyiv.

Source: Zelenskyy on Twitter(X), as reported by European Pravda

Details: The President said they discussed further comprehensive assistance for Ukraine.

Quote: "I informed Senator Graham of the frontline situation and our army's priority needs. It is critical that our partners continue to provide military and technical assistance, such as air defence systems and missiles," Zelenskyy said.

He also added that they paid special attention to Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration, increased sanctions pressure on the aggressor state, and the use of frozen Russian assets for Kyiv's urgent needs.

"Ukraine’s struggle for independence and territorial integrity continues. The continued support of Ukraine by international partners, particularly the United States, is now more important than ever in implementing plans to de-occupy our territories and protect our people. Democracy and freedom must prevail—now and always," Zelenskyy concluded.

It was reported earlier that US House Speaker Mike Johnson has actually agreed to unblock the decision to provide aid to Ukraine, but with significant changes – it should be a House of Representatives bill and should take the form of a loan or a lend-lease.

Johnson also said aid to Ukraine and Israel would still be divided into separate bills. Any new bill will have to receive enough votes in both the House and the Senate.

Last week, for the first time since December 2023, the United States announced a new $300 million aid package for Ukraine. It was explained that these funds are the result of unanticipated cost savings in contracts from previous aid packages.

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