France to give Ukraine hundreds of armoured vehicles and missiles for SAMP/T air defence systems

Sunday, 31 March 2024, 13:14

France intends to supply Ukraine with hundreds of old but "still functional" VAB armoured vehicles, as well as missiles for SAMP/T air defence systems, as part of a new assistance package.

Source: Sébqstien Lecornu, French Minister of Defence, in an interview with French newspaper La Tribune

Details: Lecornu said such armoured personnel carriers are required to keep Ukrainian troops mobile on such a large front line.

Quote: "This old equipment, which is still operational, will be directly beneficial to Ukraine in large quantities. We’re talking in the hundreds in 2024 and early 2025," Lecornu added.

The French army is replacing its more than 40-year-old VAB armoured personnel carriers with new Griffon armoured personnel carriers.

In response to Ukraine's request for increased air defence, France will supply Aster 30 missiles for SAMP/T anti-aircraft missile systems.

In addition, Lecornu stated:"We are also developing remotely-operated munitions very quickly, to supply them to Ukrainians as early as this summer."

On Tuesday, Lecornu stated that France would soon be able to provide Kyiv with 78 self-propelled Caesar howitzers and would increase shell supplies to meet Ukraine's urgent ammunition needs.

Lecornu previously discussed plans to collaborate with the Ukrainian defence industry through the French company Delair, which specialises in drones.

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