Russians bombard Kharkiv with attack drones, explosions heard

Thursday, 4 April 2024, 01:04

Explosions rocked the city of Kharkiv during an air-raid on the night of 3-4 April.

Source: Suspilne Kharkiv, a local branch of the Ukrainian public broadcaster Suspilne; Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration  

Quote: "An explosion rocked Kharkiv."

"There was another explosion in Kharkiv."

Details: Between 01:03 and 01:07, it became known that three explosions had rocked the city.

Terekhov reported at 01:08 that "explosions were heard in Kharkiv."

Quote from Syniehubov: "The occupiers are striking Kharkiv with drones."

Updated at 01:42. Quote from Terekhov: "Shahed attack drones hit residential buildings, both private houses and high-rise buildings, according to early reports."

Details: Syniehubov noted that the Russians hit Kharkiv at least four times. 

He said that there had been strikes on residential buildings.

Suspilne reported at 01:51 that another explosion had been heard in Kharkiv. 

Quote from Syniehubov: "The upper floors were damaged in one high-rise building as a result of enemy strikes.

Damage to buildings in a residential area was also recorded.

Emergency medics said that as of now, two women have suffered an acute stress reaction. They were not taken to hospital."

Updated at 02:34: Suspilne said that explosions had been heard again in Kharkiv.

Update at 02:39: In a comment to Suspilne, Tetiana Tsybulnyk, Head of Novobavarskyi District Administration, said that four people had been injured and one had been killed as a result of the strike on a panel-construction high-rise building in Kharkiv. In addition, there may be a person under the rubble.

She said that a fire had broken out at the scene of the strike on the three-storey building.

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