Drone attacks Volgograd refinery in Russia, fire breaks out – video

Olha Hlushchenko — Sunday, 12 May 2024, 06:18

Reports have emerged of a fire caused by a drone crash at the Volgograd oil refinery in Russia on the morning of 12 May.

Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian news outlet TASS, citing Volgograd Oblast Governor Andrei Bocharov; Russian Telegram channels

Details: The fire reportedly broke out on the territory of the Volgograd refinery due to a drone crash.

"The fire has been put out, there are no casualties," TASS said.

Meanwhile, Russian Telegram channels are posting videos of the fire at the Russian refinery.

Background: On the night of 10-11 May, Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) drones attacked the Volgograd oil refinery in Russia.

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