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Ukraine has not asked Poland to help get military-age men back, ambassador says

Polish aircraft scrambled twice at night

Poland to change asylum rules for Ukrainians with expired documents

Russia will inevitably lose if it attacks any NATO state – Polish foreign minister

Russia is lying about "Polish plans to annex part of Ukraine" – Polish foreign minister

Poland is prepared to help Ukraine get draft-age men back – Polish Defence Ministry

Ukraine and NATO discuss details of creating joint centre in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Lorry traffic obstructed on Ukrainian-Polish border due to system failure

Polish protesters end blockade of two checkpoints on border with Ukraine

Polish PM comments on arrest of Pole who assisted Russia in assassination attempt on Zelenskyy

Polish PM calls on farmers to stop blockade of Ukraine's border

Polish farmers block two more checkpoints on border with Ukraine

Polish farmers lift border blockade at Uhryniv checkpoint

Polish farmers did not allow any Ukrainian lorries to cross on three routes on 15 April

Polish and Danish Prime Ministers talk about creating an Iron Dome for Europe

We must do everything we can to enable Ukraine to regain all territories – Polish President

Polish government establishes Council for Cooperation with Ukraine

EU suggests using GPS tracking to control Ukrainian hauliers

Poland criticises US for delay in aid to Ukraine

Poland may transfer Soviet air defence missiles to Ukraine – Duda

Polish president hopes Zelenskyy will be wearing a suit at next Three Seas summit

Polish aircraft scrambled again due to Russian large-scale attack on Ukraine

Polish farmers continue to block 3 border crossings with Ukraine

Ukraine's National Anti-Corruption Bureau and Polish law enforcers conduct raids and gather evidence of abuse in weapons procurement – photo

Polish food inspection service bans nearly 10 tonnes of Ukrainian ice cream

Zelenskyy on Polish border blockade: We've built several routes to bypass it

Polish protesters start to partially let lorries through at Hrebenne-Rava-Ruska checkpoint

Polish aircraft scrambled again

Ukrainian investors ready to finance broad gauge railway to ports in Poland and Lithuania for grain transit

Polish farmers blockade Uhryniv checkpoint for Ukrainian lorries again