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Tetiana Lozovenko

news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"
All Publications of this Author

Kuleba urges UK not to issue visas for Russian and Belarusian tennis players allowed to compete at Wimbledon

"An unlikely peacemaker": Office of President of Ukraine responds to Lukashenko's calls for ceasefire

Russian and Belarusian players to be allowed to compete at Wimbledon

Ukrainian Armed Forces repel about 50 Russian attacks and hit ammunition storage points – General Staff report

Ukraine's Foreign Minister advises not to consider upcoming counteroffensive as "decisive battle"

Russian court sends WSJ journalist to pre-trial detention centre for two months

Ukraine's Deputy PM suggests way to bring back all orphans: at Russia-EU border

Car taking away icon from Kyiv monastery is stopped by police

WSJ calls for release of detained journalist and denies Russia's allegations

Russians have partial success in Bakhmut, but Ukrainian Armed Forces hold сity – General Staff

Russia plans to conscript over half million people this year

Ukraine returns non-working air defence system to ally – Zelenskyy

Putin assures Russians they lived longer than usual in 2022

Ukraine's military destroy boat of Russian sabotage and reconnaissance group near Dnipro Islands

Partisans help Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack three control points and storages of Russia – National Resistance Center

Kremlin predicts long hybrid war, so Russians should "unite around Putin"

Russia pounds Sumy Oblast, firing grenade launchers around 100 times

Ukrainian pilot Denys Kyryliuk killed in action
